Typical 'he's-the-man' type of guy
the 'so-called' whore
Guys are considered the man if he sleeps around like he changes his shoes or his shirts but when a girl does that, everyone will talk and said she’s a whore! Come on! That’s seriously NOT fair! I’m not saying that if a girl sleeps around, she should be considered as a saint…NO! I just want everyone to change their view of life. The way they look at things. Just because a guy is a guy, he gets all the credits when he does the cooking and the laundry and when a girl is a mechanic, no one is gonna trust her or even step into her mechanic shop! What is this? Come on! We’re not in the 14th century or those old days when women sit at home babysitting their kids and cook for her husband.

This is what i'm talking about!
This especially referred to the certain community in parts of the world! (Won’t mention it) I’ve seen it, experienced it! Just because you go out with some guys who happen to be your friends, you’re labeled as a ‘Bitch’ on the spot! But in the 1st place, these guys were the ones who came looking for girls! And it surprised me when a gossip or news spread in a blink of an eye between these people. Today it happens, tomorrow the whole community will know! Seriously, no joking! and surprisingly these are men who gossip...
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