Thursday, 28 May 2009

it's just annoying but funny at the same time

Apparently, Ange (hegab rehab) is not the only one's dealing with 'secret anonymous idiot' who just happen to be on your blog and just leave whatever comments they want! i have mine too but he's got a name and his name is M3DOO...and he leave msges on MY CHIT CHAT SPACE...not comment
well m3doo, I got a personal message for ya, if you've got any issue with me or you hate what i wrote on my blog, i've got a solution for ya... JUST DONT BLOODY VISIT MY BLOG! Simple isn't it?
oh here are some of his retarded sure does resemble his character and his attitude... *enough said*

26 May 09, 22:41m3doO: loool PIGs look like youu...!! fatt uggllly bbiittccchh...myy friienn sayyy he dump uu..loooll.. coss uu arree ugglyyy..juustt ridee n fuuckk fr fuuun..hahahah..baad giirll iss likee a doog
26 May 09, 20:32m3doO: why dont u stay in hotel with me tonight...hahaahhahahah..SHAAWWTYY
25 May 09, 13:07m3doO: looooool .... suucckk myyy ccooxkk ffaaty sshhaawwwtyyy
25 May 09, 13:06m3doO: faat ugglyy bbbittttchh .loooooool.... wwee allll knnnoow uu r bbbiitchh.. wee fuuuckkk uu nn leeeavve uuu..loool
25 May 09, 13:04m3doO: i know that u are *****es.. fat ***** ش تستطيع امتصاص الدهون بلدي ديك قبيحة عاهرةش تستطيع امتصاص الدهون بلدي ديك قبيحة عاهرةش تستطيع امتصاص الدهون بلدي ديك قبيحة عاهرةsuck my ****


Yasemin said...

I'm glad you moderate. I have an anon of my own and she's driving me nuts!