Monday, 4 May 2009

handsome and beautiful! =)

it's 4.48 am and i cant sleep! well i slept around 10.30pm just now but somehow around 1.20am i was kinda awake...not really awake yet till someone called me at 1.22 am!!! i tried going back to sleep again but i couldn't so i just got up and found my mom was also still awake..and we watched this movie called 'The Bachelor'...kinda funny! lol! after d movie i continued watching 'House' and now i'm just awake and bored! that's why sometimes i hate it when i sleep early and i'll wake in the middle of the night like this!
nway, i was browsing through the internet and typed 'handsome' in google and i found this....!!! hmmm...there are other pics but i dunno why i was attracted to this one..maybe coz i've never seen him anywhere b4 i guess...cos other pics were some hot celebs we used to see on tv and! oh btw, he's the King Faisal's grandson, Mutaib...

he looks so perfect!

but then, when i typed 'beautiful' this object appeared and it actually caught my attention!!! it's a condom applicator designed to help AIDS prevention has been named the Most Beautiful Object in South Africa by Dutch designer Jurgen Bey.

pretty interesting...


Yasemin said...

He is really cute I have to say! Oh we can dream. Love you sweetie.

celebral seductress said...

lolz! yeah he is...but handsome guys can be dangerous sometimes...hehehe!