Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Sometimes i think i hate my dad...

does anyone ever felt that? it's annoying! i was never really close to my dad cos he's the type of person that you can't really get down and talk about something...other word, you can't discuss anything with him without getting into a fight! he's the strict, control freak kinda dad who decide every single thing for his kids...the so-called who know whats best for his kids! (not that he doesn't but sometimes it's too much!) that's why i never really talk to him cos it will just piss me off! i don't know but recently he's just acting like a pain in the ass! argghhh!!!! i know im not suppose to say this but i hate him sometimes..*not all the time...*
i just want someone to talk to...anyone?!?!?!


asoom said...

Well I can relate to some of the things you're saying. My dad is strict and also a control freak. At 25 years old he still thinks he knows what's best for me with all of the important aspects of my life.

Whenever I choose to do something that's not the decision he wanted me to make (for example I went to optometry school instead of going into a phd program) he holds it against me. He doesn't want me to think about marriage until I graduate (I'll be 29) and definitely doesn't want me to marry the person I want to marry for no good reason other than I need to trust his judgment that he knows what's better for me.

I never say that I hate my dad though in the end through his logic I don't understand I'm sure he doesn't want me to be miserable and he does wish for me to be successful...I just try to keep that in mind so that I don't become so angry at him.

celebral seductress said...

exactly asoom! it's really annoying sometimes! well that's wat keep me goin all diz while..just be positive about it...
they thanks for sharing yeah! appreciate that! =)

IvAn said...

arrrgggghhhh...same goes to me, thats why i came back ipoh, I'm trying to talk lest to him cuz later bising banyak banyak

celebral seductress said...

lol...i guess as children to our parents we all face d same problem...guess we'll just have to bear with it...